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Don’t worry. Be happy.

“Worry” is like carrying your suitcase on your head when you get on the train. It’s adding work that does not help.

Most that worry think that the self imposed toil is work that is moving them closer to a peaceful outcome. This is opposite to the truth, as worry assures a state of dis-ease and the immediate experience of that unwanted future event.

Moral: Don’t worry. Be happy.

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#worry #stress #freedom #god #life #happiness #happy #wisdom #connection #meditation #fulfillment #peace #love #joy #whoAmI #awaken #iAm #spirituality #mindfulness #knowthyself #oneness #enlightenment #selfrealization #selfcare #spiritualwisdom #TrueSelf #paradigmshift #awareness #lookwithin #nonduality #weareone #unconditionalLove #loveandlight

Jevon Perra

Jevon Perra: Spirit seeker, Light worker, healer, human behavior teacher, speaker, pastor, coach.

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